Request for proposal
Deutsche Telekom Stiftung supports many different educational players with a range of attractive programs – from scholarships to contests and projects.
Here is a brief summary of our current competitions, funding programs and vacancies.
Competitions for places of learning outside of school:
(e.g. libraries, child and youth services organizations)
Library of the Year
This award, which we hand out together with the German Library Association, recognizes innovative library work in Germany, focusing on the development and successful use of digital education programs. Winners receive a EUR 27,000 cash prize.
Yes, I can!
Through this nationwide initiative, Deutsche Telekom Stiftung supports child and youth development projects and organizations. It aims to teach skills, particularly to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and thus empower them to become active, independent and productive members of society. The foundation provides around EUR 600,000 in funding each year. It supplies individual projects with up to EUR 10,000.
Competitions for schools:
Technology Scouts
Technology-savvy teams of students wanted in Brandenburg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Schleswig-Holstein! Are there technology-savvy students at your school who are committed to contributing their expertise to school life? For example, they support their classmates and teachers with questions and problems concerning laptops, software, beamers, etc.? Do they get involved in the design of the school's website or social media channels? Or they regularly test Educational Apps for the classroom? Whatever support students provide in the area of IT at your school - we would like to get to know their commitment better and make their experiences available to other schools. Therefore, we cordially invite schools to participate in our Technology Scouts call for proposals. The call ended in May, 31st. A jury is currently evaluating the submissions
GestaltBar- the digital workshop
The GestaltBar is an offer for schools whose students primarily aim for vocational training (e.g. secondary schools, comprehensive schools, middle schools, special schools). It is implemented together with open child and youth work facilities, and in some places also with other non-school partners.
Junior Engineer Academy
The Junior Engineer Academy (JEA) is a two-year, hands-on, project-based technology elective class for 8th and 9th graders that has been rolled out to more than 100 college preparatory and comprehensive schools throughout Germany. The schools work closely with companies and universities so that students get a sense of engineers’ and researchers’ workdays and discover their own talents. Deutsche Telekom Stiftung helps schools in selected states set up their own JEA. Start-up funding can be as high as EUR 10,000.
What does Deutsche Telekom Stiftung fund – and what doesn’t it fund?
We are a strictly non-profit, primarily operational foundation. In other words, we develop and implement our projects ourselves – either on our own or with partners. We generally do not support others’ initiatives and projects, even when they pursue the same objectives that we do. Any support we do provide is limited to several clearly defined foundation programs that use competitions.
It is our goal to operate with maximum transparency. That’s why we base everything we do on the principles embodied in the Transparent Civil Society Initiative commitment, generally accepted good foundation practices and the Association of German Foundation’s recommendations for non-profit corporate foundations.
Current vacancies:
No vacancies at the moment.